Friday, June 22, 2012

Bielefeld, Germany

Just a blognote as Shabbat comes to Bielefeld, Germany, where I am a "special guest.'  This Jewish community of 300-400 people (or 300-400 members of the local congregation) is a gathering place for mostly Jews from the FSU (Former Soviet Union. . . not Florida State University).

As excited as they (say they) are to have me, we'll be competing with the quarterfinals of the European Soccer Competition -- Germany vs. Greece.  Too bad, especially because they have a student rabbi who comes once a month and this Shabbat is her last visit.
And I'm not sure how starved they are for the likes of me:  One of my hosts, who is essentially the head of the German Jewish Communities, told me that her husband usually davens.  He's a professional opera singer (a counter-tenor!) who has trained with a hazzan in Tel Aviv.

ANYWAY, it will be great to meet these folks and share Shabbat with them.

My heart is saddened as Shabbat approaches that I can't be home to be part of the remembrance of my dear friend Connie Levy, who passed away yesterday morning.  She and her late husband Art had very special places in the life of our whole family.  Condolences to Mark and his family on Momma's going to join Art in the world of our blessed memories.


P.S.  If you'd like to add your 2 cents to ANYTHING I say, there's a comment button at the bottom of the blog.  Would love to hear (from) you.

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